Janis Covey PharmD Janis Covey PharmD

What Is Your Skin Microbiome and Why Is It So Important?

Our skin is the first thing the world sees. Did you know that it is our largest organ and the first defense against the threats of the outside world? Our skin is a very complex microsystem known as the skin microbiome. The skin microbiome is home to a vast array of microbes, including the possibility of 1,000 different bacterial species and 80 different fungi. What dictates what our skin microbiome is comprised of is multifactorial, including location, the amount of sunlight a person gets, and how dry, hairy, or oily the skin is. It is also affected by age and gender, so an active teenager with oily skin will have a very different microbiome than a postmenopausal woman with dry skin.

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Hand Soap Janis Covey PharmD Hand Soap Janis Covey PharmD


The quality of your hand soap is not only determined by what it has, but also by what it lacks. Choose wisely, because what you wash your hands with can have a significant impact on your health and wellbeing.

Discover the ingredients that we never use in our hand soap and learn why it's important for your health and safety.

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