Keratosis Pilaris: What Is It and How To Deal With It
Keratosis Pilaris (KP) is a common skin condition that causes hard, dry bumps around hair follicles. These bumps are usually seen on the upper arms but can occur anywhere there are hair follicles. Keratosis Pilaris is also commonly called chicken skin.
Facewashing 101
We all know the importance of washing our face. We need to remove impurities that we encounter through out our day. Daily facial cleansing removes dirt, oil, pollution, and dead skin cells. Not washing your face can cause the pores to become clogged leading to acne. You will also experience redness, irritation, and drying significantly aging the skin.
Healthy Feet Are Happy Feet
With sandal season just around the corner, I thought we could discuss the causes of dead skin on the feet and what to do about it because no one wants scaly feet on the beach or in that perfect pair of open-toed shoes.