Changing Your Skin Care Routine with Fall Approaching

Woman in a coat and gloves laying in fall leaves

Fall brings thoughts of pumpkin spice, Halloween, and leaves changing to pretty colors, but what it also brings is cooler temperatures and less humidity.  With these changes, you will also need to adjust your skincare routine.  Colder temperatures and less humidity may cause skin to become drier and can even exacerbate skin conditions such as eczema.

Here are some tips to combat the colder weather and keep your skin healthy.

1.     Avoid Hot Showers:  I know that nothing is better than a hot shower or bath on a cold day but that hot water can actually dry out your skin more and cause cracking.  A lukewarm shower is much better for your skin.  Can’t give up your hot shower?  Then we suggest starting with the water warmer to heat you up and then finish with a cooler temperature water.  Also, don’t forget to moisturize right after and seal in that moisture.

Botanical Bliss lotion bar laying on a bed of lavender

2.     Moisturize Daily:  With a decrease in humidity in the fall versus the summer months, it is important to moisturize daily.  Using an oil-based product is generally better since they are nourishing and will help your skin retain moisture more effectively than a water-based product. 

3.     Exfoliate:  When dead skin cells build up on the surface of your skin, they create a barrier that prevents moisturizers from penetrating the skin.  Regular exfoliation (no more than once a week) will prevent that build up and allow your moisturizer to work to its full potential.

4.     Don’t Forget About Your Feet:  Skin on the feet is thinner than it is on other areas of the body, because of this our feet lose moisture faster.  Using a nightly foot cream or balm will prevent the loss of moisture.  To increase the efficacy, put on socks after application.

Woman drinking water

5.     Have Your Fruits and Veggies:  With the Fall comes fun things such as tailgating and Halloween but that also means not the healthiest food choices.  Make sure to include fruits and vegetables in your diet.  All those vitamin rich foods help keep your skin in tip top shape.

6.     Last but Not Least, Drink Your Water:  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  Making sure to drink an appropriate amount of fluids daily is the best way to hydrate your skin.  

Janis Covey PharmD

Janis Kosma-Covey, doctorate of pharmacy and mom. Worked as a compounding pharmacist for 15 years before developing an organic skincare line. When her daughter developed eczema at 3 months old, she was looking for clean, affordable products that wouldn't aggravate her daughter’s sensitive skin and would support it. Shocked by the lack of natural products available, she set out to create a line of skincare. Kosmatology was born and has been helping moms bring nourishing and non-toxic products to their families since 2014.


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